Receive Messages from AWS SQS using Go

development golang aws sqs

In order to work with AWS SQS using Go, we will use In this gist, we will use the aws-sdk-go-v2 package to receive messages from a queue in AWS SQS. The complete source code for the snippet is available here

Send Messages to AWS SQS using Go

development golang aws sqs

In order to work with AWS SQS using Go, we will use In this gist, we will use the aws-sdk-go-v2 package to send messages to a queue in AWS SQS. The complete source code for the snippet is available here

Delete Queues in AWS SQS using Go

development golang aws sqs

In order to work with AWS SQS using Go, we will use In this gist, we will use the aws-sdk-go-v2 package to delete queues in AWS SQS. The complete source code for the snippet is available here

List Queues in AWS SQS using Go

development golang aws sqs

In order to work with AWS SQS using Go, we will use In this gist, we will use the aws-sdk-go-v2 package to list queues in AWS SQS. The complete source code for the snippet is available here

Create Queues in AWS SQS using Go

development golang aws sqs

In order to work with AWS SQS using Go, we will use In this gist, we will use the aws-sdk-go-v2 package to create queues in AWS SQS. The complete source code for the snippet is available here


Bharghava Varun Ayada is a Staff Software Engineer at Walmart Labs, living in Bangalore, India. This blog is about software engineering, system design, distributed systems and DevOps.

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